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In 1818, Catholic Bishop 路易 William DuBourg founded Saint 路易 University, the 博彩网址大全. 不到十年 后来,耶稣会接管了大学. 从那以后,天主教徒 和 Jesuit traditions have guided the University to serve a higher purpose 和 to 追求更大的利益.


Saint 路易 University follows the Jesuit traditions of educating the whole person — mind, body 和 spirit — 和 preparing students to make the world a better place.

博彩网址大全,我们鼓励提出困难的问题,并超越简单的答案. 什么 伦理领导 看起来像是在21世纪? 我们怎样才能帮助改善被监禁者的生活 或者是圣. 路易? 我们如何努力结束系统性的种族不平等?



博彩网址大全不只是说说而已,我们是做实际行动的. 我们鼓励本科生 参加各种各样的课程,而且 每一个主要 是建立在一个核心课程,包括神学和哲学. 但无论 the topic, students learn to defend ideas 和 to improve upon them, developing the skills to think clearly, argue persuasively 和 express themselves coherently.

Inspired by the Jesuit call to be men 和 women for others, at 博彩网址大全 ideas become actions, 服务他人是一种生活方式. 超过80个博彩网址大全 课程直接将服务融博彩网址大全术内容. Outside of the classroom, students, faculty 和 staff members devote more than 1.6 每年为社区服务百万小时.

In 和 out of class, on campus 和 around the globe, 博彩网址大全 students come to see the 未来是一个奇妙的成长和良好的工作机会.

学生s walking down the steps of 大学教堂 being greeted by a 牧师

At Saint 路易 University, the nearly 500-­year­-old Jesuit tradition inspires everything 从学生上课的种类到他们如何度过他们的空闲时间. 但就 成为“耶稣会士”意味着什么??



的 Jesuits are members of the Society of Jesus, a Roman Catholic religious order 1540年由St. 罗耀拉的依纳爵.

Early on, the Jesuits became known for education as they traveled throughout Europe 从事传教工作,开办学校和神学院. 不到二十年后 耶稣会士在三大洲建立了74所学院.

Today, there are close to 200 Jesuit institutions of higher learning around the world, 包括博彩网址大全. 耶稣会是最大的男性宗教团体 order in the Catholic Church, with almost 17,000 牧师s 和 brothers worldwide. 他们 教师和牧师、律师等等一样吗. 事实上,教皇方济各是耶稣会士 牧师.

Nearly 30 Jesuit 牧师s 和 brothers live, teach 和 minister at Saint 路易 University. In addition, Bellarmine House of Studies, one of only three houses of Jesuit First Studies in the country, is an on­-campus residential community for 25 scholastics 在训练中. 耶稣会会堂是在校园工作的牧师的家,也有一些 从教学或事工中退休了吗.



Jesuit education entails caring for the whole person — mind, body 和 spirit — 和 encouraging 学生成为全面发展的人,为更大的利益做出贡献.

Inspired by the Jesuit practice of “finding God in all things,” students take a broad range of study, which is grounded in the theological 和 philosophical foundations 天主教的知识传统. 

然后是“the”的概念 魔法师(更多),这导致了所有追求的卓越. 这与耶稣会的传统有关 of academic rigor, which requires students to go deeper, think critically 和 solve 为了荣耀神和服务人类,创造性地解决问题.

Finally, Jesuit education prepares students to become “men 和 women for 和 with others,” to make the world a better place by seeking justice 和 serving the most vulnerable among us.


All undergraduates take a course that is unique to 博彩网址大全 called “的ological Foundations.” 的 course is an exploration of the Judeo­-Christian religious traditions that have contributed to shaping cultures throughout the world for more than 3,000 years. 连接 are also made in this course to other major religious traditions alive 和 well today.


No. While there is ample opportunity for Catholic students to go to Mass, other students 欢迎但没有义务加入他们. 校园部也 works with affiliate ministers of many faith traditions who accompany students on 他们在校园内外的精神之旅.

圣是谁?. 伊格内修斯?

Inigo de Loyola (1491-­1556) was the youngest child of a noble Basque family loyal 献给西班牙王室. 他早年不是做牧师而是做朝臣 一个士兵. 在1521年的潘普洛纳战役中,他的腿受了重伤 一个炮弹. 当他在家里休养时,他重新考虑了自己的生活方式 生活. A spiritual 和 religious conversion followed, he decided to lay aside his 拿起他所谓的“基督之剑."

St. 伊格内修斯

康复后,依纳爵开始了他朝圣的新生活. 他停了下来。 他来到一个叫曼瑞萨的小镇,打算在那里住几天. 相反,他待了10个月, 每天花几个小时祷告. 这导致了现在被称为 “灵修”.就在那段时间,依纳丢有一个异象引导他 在一切事物中寻找上帝.”

After his religious conversion, to be of greater assistance to others, he went back 到学校,在各种不同的大学学习. 在大学期间 of Paris, he formed a circle of friends who decided to dedicate themselves to the 更大的荣耀和“帮助灵魂”.“他们愿意为……服务 the Pope, who would send them throughout the world, wherever they were needed most. Everywhere the Jesuits went, their mission remained the same: to seek the greater 上帝的荣耀和人类的福祉.

St. 依纳爵于1622年3月12日被教皇格列高利十五世封为圣徒. 他的节日是 7月31日是他去世的日子.